GeoServer – create a datastore programmatically

Martin ZellerGeoServer, java 2 Comments

Currently I am programming an upload module for GeoServer 2.1-RC2. The user should be able to upload a shape file which is automatically installed as datastore in the default workspace. For this intention I didn’t want to use the REST-API of GeoServer, I wanted to create the data store  programmatically.

The following piece of code adds a ShapeFile data store to GeoServer:

[java] private boolean addShapeFileDataStore(String title, String description, String pathToFile) {
final Catalog catalog = getCatalog();
DataStoreInfo dsInfo = catalog.getFactory().createDataStore();
dsInfo.getConnectionParameters().put("create spatial index", true);
dsInfo.getConnectionParameters().put("charset", "ISO-8859-1");
dsInfo.getConnectionParameters().put("filetype", "shapefile");
dsInfo.getConnectionParameters().put("cache and reuse memory maps", true);
dsInfo.getConnectionParameters().put("url", "file:" + pathToFile);
dsInfo.getConnectionParameters().put("namespace", "");
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error adding data store to catalog", e);
return true;

It’s quite simple. With this code you can add every kind of data store to GeoServer – all you need to know are the connection parameters. If you do not know the parameters of your kind of data store just create such a data store and write the connection parameters to your log file. You could use the following function:

[java] private void LogDataStoreData(String dataStoreName) {
final Catalog catalog = getCatalog();
DataStoreInfo ds = catalog.getDataStoreByName(dataStoreName);
if (ds!=null)
Map<String,Serializable> conMap = ds.getConnectionParameters();
LOGGER.finest("Id: " + ds.getId());
LOGGER.finest("Name: " + ds.getName());
LOGGER.finest("Description: " + ds.getDescription());
LOGGER.finest("Type: " + ds.getType());
LOGGER.finest("Connection parameters:");

for(String key : conMap.keySet())
LOGGER.finest("\t" + key + ": " + conMap.get(key));

C pointers for dummies (like me :)

Martin ZellerANSI C Leave a Comment

Just a little piece of code in C for clearing up pointers… look at the comments in the first part!
(If you need an environment to develop in C on windows, find a solution here: environment for ansi c on windows
[c] void change(short*, short*);

int main(void) {
short *pointer1 = NULL;
short *pointer2 = NULL;
short value1 = 1111;
short value2 = 2222;

pointer1 = &value1;
pointer2 = &value2;

printf("main – VALUE1:\n");
printf("main – value of value1: %d\n", value1); // Output the value of value1
printf("main – value of value1: %d\n", *pointer1); // Output the value at the address
printf("main – address of value1: %p\n", &value1); // Output the address of value1
printf("main – address of value1: %p\n", pointer1); // Output the value of pointer1 (it’s the address of value1 !)
printf("main – address of pointer1: %p\n", &pointer1); // Output the address(!) of the pointer(!)
printf("\nmain – VALUE2:\n");
printf("main – value of value2: %d\n", value2);
printf("main – value of value2: %d\n", *pointer2);
printf("main – address of value2: %p\n", &value2);
printf("main – address of value2: %p\n", pointer2);
printf("main – address of pointer2: %p\n", &pointer2);
printf("\n*** main – starting change…\n\n");
change(pointer1, pointer2);
printf("\n*** main – changing done!\n\n");
printf("main – VALUE1:\n");
printf("main – value of value1: %d\n", value1);
printf("main – value of value1: %d\n", *pointer1);
printf("main – address of value1: %p\n", &value1);
printf("main – address of value1: %p\n", pointer1);
printf("main – address of pointer1: %p\n", &pointer1);
printf("\nmain – VALUE2:\n");
printf("main – value of value2: %d\n", value2);
printf("main – value of value2: %d\n", *pointer2);
printf("main – address of value2: %p\n", &value2);
printf("main – address of value2: %p\n", pointer2);
printf("main – address of pointer2: %p\n", &pointer2);


void change(short *valuePointer1, short *valuePointer2) {
printf("change – value of value1: %d\n", *valuePointer1);
printf("change – address of value1: %p\n", valuePointer1);
printf("change – value of value2: %d\n", *valuePointer2);
printf("change – address of value2: %p\n", valuePointer2);
printf("change – changing now…\n");
short h;
h = *valuePointer1;
*valuePointer1 = *valuePointer2;
*valuePointer2 = h;
printf("change – changing done!\n");
printf("change – value of value1: %d\n", *valuePointer1);
printf("change – address of value1: %p\n", valuePointer1);
printf("change – value of value2: %d\n", *valuePointer2);
printf("change – address of value2: %p\n", valuePointer2);

gcc on windows with eclipse and mingw

Martin ZellerANSI C 2 Comments

This information will help you:

  • if you want to develop in C with gcc on windows
  • if you want to develop in C with mingw and eclipse with CDT plugin

Forget all the tutorials for installing and configuring eclipse with mingw or cygwin – just download the Wascana Eclipse C/C++ IDE for Windows Developers
You will be surprised!

Wascana is a ready-to-use-eclipse-ide (Helios) with mingw toolchain installed and configured! OUT OF THE BOX! You don’t have to install anything else (neither mingw nor cygwin)!

** Download: Wascana

Het mysterie van Arendarvon Castle

Martin ZellerAllgemein Leave a Comment

Gute Neuigkeiten für alle niederländischen Fans des C64-Adventures ‘Das Geheimnis des Schloss Arendarvon’. Dank eines eurer Landsleute konnte (und wird auch weiterhin) die niederländische Version unserer Fanpage nun endlich richtig übersetzt. Seht:

=> Het mysterie van Arendarvon Castle

(Die deutsche Version der Fan-Seite: => Das Geheimnis des Schloss Arendarvon)

Unser Dank geht an H. Zwetsloot

The “IE7 setAttribute class” problem!

Martin ZellerJavascript Leave a Comment

This does not work with IE7:
[js]elem.setAttribute(‘class’,  cssClass);[/js] Use this instead:
[js]elem.setAttribute((document.all ? ‘className’ : ‘class’), cssClass);[/js] Problem: document.all exists in IE8 too, but IE8 does not work with ‘className’!
My solution in one of my projects was prototype:
[js]Prototype.Browser.IE6 = Prototype.Browser.IE && parseInt(navigator.userAgent.substring(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")+5)) == 6;
Prototype.Browser.IE7 = Prototype.Browser.IE && parseInt(navigator.userAgent.substring(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")+5)) == 7;
Prototype.Browser.IE8 = Prototype.Browser.IE && !Prototype.Browser.IE6 && !Prototype.Browser.IE7;

function SetCssClass(id, cssClass) {
if (Prototype.Browser.IE6 || Prototype.Browser.IE7)
$(id).setAttribute((document.all ? ‘className’ : ‘class’), cssClass);
else $(id).setAttribute(‘class’, cssClass);
}[/js] PS: in IE7 you can set styles to an element this way:
[js]‘cssText’, ‘border:1px solid red;’,0);[/js]

SqlHelper und benutzerdefinierte Tabellentypen mit SQL Server 2008

Martin, sql server Leave a Comment

Arbeitest du mit SQL Server 2008, SqlHelper und benutzerdefinierten Tabellentypen und erhältst folgende Fehlermeldung?
[text]Der eingehende Tabular Data Stream (TDS) für das
RPC-Protokoll (Remote Procedure Call) ist nicht richtig.
Tabellenwertparameter (‘@xxx’), Zeile n, Spalte n:
Für den Datentyp xxx (benutzerdefinierter Tabellentyp) wurde ein
Datenbankname mit einer Nicht-Null-Länge angegeben. Der Datenbankname
ist mit einem Tabellenwertparameter nicht zulässig. Es sind nur ein
Schemaname und ein Typname gültig.[/text] Wichtig beim SqlHelper ist bei dieser Fehlermeldung, dass du den CommandType angibst. So wie hier:
[csharp] // C#
dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(ConnectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "MyProcedureName", sqlParams);
[/csharp] Die andere Fehlermeldung, mit der ich Bekanntschaft schließen durfte, war:
[text]Es ist keine Zuordnung zwischen dem Objekttyp
System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlDataRecord, System.Data,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]] und einem bekannten verwalteten systemeigenen Providertyp vorhanden.[/text] Erhältst du diese Meldung, dann solltest du eventuell den SqlDbType deiner übergebenen Liste auf SqlDbType.Structured setzen. Siehe hier:
[csharp]List<SqlDataRecord> datList = new List<SqlDataRecord>();
SqlMetaData[] tvp_definition = { new SqlMetaData("n", SqlDbType.BigInt) };
foreach (MyDataInfo dat in datas)
SqlDataRecord rec = new SqlDataRecord(tvp_definition);
rec.SetInt64(0, dat.SomePropertyId);
SqlParameter[] sqlParams = new SqlParameter[1];
SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter("@MyParameter", datList);
param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
param.TypeName = "long_list_tbltype"; // long_list_tbltype ist ein von mir definierter Tabellentyp
param.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured; // IMPORTANT!!!
sqlParams[0] = param;

dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(ConnectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, GetFullyQualifiedName("MyProcedureName"), sqlParams);[/csharp] Ich bin auf diese Probleme gestoßen, weil ich eine generische Liste an eine Procedure übergeben wollte. Wie das geht, siehst du in diesem Artikel: Arrays and Lists in SQL Server

Pdf thumbnails / Pdf to jpg

Martin Zellerphp 2 Comments

Do you want to create thumbnails for pdf files with PHP (or C#)? You can simply do this with ghostscript. Here’s the php way (it is very easy to convert this code to C#):

  1. First install ghostscript on your server. Download:
  2. Then write your code:
[php]$pathToPdf = "C:\….\PdfFile.pdf";
$pathToJpg = "C:\….\generatedThumbnail.jpg";

$gsCall = "\"C:\….\gs\gs8.70\bin\gswin32.exe\" -q -dBATCH -dMaxBitmap=300000000 -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -sDEVICE=jpeg -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=1 -sOutputFile={0} {1} -c quit";

$gsCall = str_replace(array(‘{0}’, ‘{1}’), array($pathToJpg, $pathToPdf), $gsCall); // or use sprintf
$str = exec($gsCall, $output=array(), $returnValue);[/php] This code will generate a jpg file with the content of the first page of the pdf file.


Zend_Captcha, an example without Zend_Form

Martin Zellerphp 2 Comments

Here is your example how to implement Zend_Captcha_Image without using Zend_Form.

In your action method:
[php]public function indexAction()
$captcha = new Zend_Captcha_Image();
$captcha->setImgDir(APPLICATION_PATH . ‘/../public/tmp/captcha/’);
$captcha->setFont(APPLICATION_PATH . ‘/fonts/elephant.ttf’);
$this->view->captcha = $captcha;   // giving captcha object to the view
}[/php] In the corresponding view render the captcha and add a hidden field with the captcha id:
<input id="captcha" type="text" name="captcha" />
<?php echo $this->captcha->render($this, null) ?>
<input type="hidden" name="cid" value="<?php echo $this->captcha->getId() ?>" >
</form>[/php] Validating the input of the user after postback:
[php]// …
$capId = $_POST[‘cid’];
$capSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace(‘Zend_Form_Captcha_’.$capId);
if ($_POST[‘captcha’]==$capSession->word)
// input OK
else {
// input NOK
// …[/php] Good luck!

PS: If you want to use your Zend_Captcha WITH Zend_Form, this blog post may help you: Zend_Captcha with Zend_Form